Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Not just getting baptized, he's going to be a convert!

We have had another great week of seeing people desiring and acting upon that desire to come closer to Christ by receiving His restored gospel. 

Rayli is progressing well and there is no concerns. Her family is on board, she loves church, her fellowship and we are meeting consistently twice a week. Every time I meet with her, I just picture her serving a mission in a few years or going to the temple, that's how prepared she is and I am so beyond excited for her strong desire to follow Christ and this exciting new journey she is starting. It's been such a blessing to teach her.

Uhila is likewise progressing remarkably well and is loving the gospel, even though he is starting to face some of the opposition that is often talked about that comes before baptism. His work schedule has been grueling recently, yet he still is clinging to the gospel. His future father-in-law got him a really nice quad when he proposed to his now fiance and he was beyond ecstatic. He was showing it off like a little kid at Christmas. It melted Elder Gulbranson's and my heart to see that. He too is not just getting baptized, he's going to be a convert. 

We have also picked up not a lot of new investigators this week, but their quality was amazing. In the lessons we had with two of them, the Spirit was so obviously present that the investigators recognized it. We immediately helped them recognize what they were feeling, bore testimony and invited, and it has truly worked. One's name was Omar. He is so humble and so aware of the Lord in his life. He has a strong desire to follow Christ in all he does. Sunny is the other one, and she is so sensitive to the Spirit. She was so touched by the message and couldn't wait to learn more and wanted her mom to hear it to (whom we were originally stopping by to teach). She also happens to be dating a member, so that is a huge plus too, since she's already had so many positive experiences with the gospel.

This week in Sacrament meeting, a recently returned missionary shared that talk by Elder Holland about the Atonement and missionary work. In it he states that missionary work is tough because salvation was never a cheap experience, and that to reach conversion both the missionary and investigator must take their own small, token journey into Gethsemane, so that we can greater appreciate the sacrifice the very Son of God made for us. Life never was easy for Him, and He asked if there was another way, but He submitted to His Father's will and came out on top. If we follow His example, we can expect similar results. When we have hard times, we can be assured that we are "standing side-by-side with the best Life this world has ever known". This, even though I have heard it before, touched me in a way I have never experienced before. I honestly can't remember a time I felt the Spirit stronger, and besides the temple, I have never felt closer to my Savior. I will forever cherish that memory, and allow it to carry me through those tough times.

You're going to Hurricane?! What for? Is there anything there? Look out for a Sister Jordan there. She just got home from the mission here and she is from Hurricane. If you happen to see her, say Hi for me!

 I do not mind getting the updates, in fact I love it! I love being in the loop. It doesn't really make me trunky. I enjoy seeing how everyone is doing! That is great that the Karl baby is doing well and that Tyler is getting all ready for the Navy! Proud of him!

We had cross-fit today as a mission and it was really cool to see a lot of my old friends from previous areas. It is crazy because Elders Hale, Foy, and Smith as well as Sister da Silva are all heading home in two weeks! It makes me kind of sad. I'll miss them all. Missions go so fast. This transfer has flown! I've heard the mission just goes faster from here on out.

Sorry that all the pictures are kind of the same! We went up a mountain and had a photo shoot! And here's a sweaty me after cross-fit today. Have the best week!


Your Elder Jackson​

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